

Regular price1,260
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我們的愛宛如在這熱帶天堂中「雋戀樂園 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆」


「雋戀樂園 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆」我們的愛宛如在這熱帶天堂中,寧靜卻又炙熱,此款禮盒為畫框設計,上蓋可懸掛於牆壁上,讓藝術家的畫作成為美麗的家飾,內盒採木質9宮格,可自由規畫作為收納箱。
Let our love grow with serenity and passion in this tropical paradise.

【藝術家 宋智惠(Song Ji Hye)】
最著名的作品之一是《The Time Garden》這本著色書在世界多個國家授權販售,並被翻譯成多種語言。

★ 《The Time Garden》是第一本以最高版權價格售出至美國的韓國書籍
★ 《The Time Garden》被選為2015年亞馬遜美國的年度最佳書籍。
★ 曾受邀與 Dior, Dior beauty, Santa Maria Novella, Diptyque, Jill Stuart,
Lotte Department Store (樂天百貨), Golden Dew, TIME 等多個知名國際品牌合作商品藝術創作

※尺寸:26 cm x 26 cm x 7 cm

餅乾禮盒 1,260 元
- 內容:共28片餅乾 + 檸檬球4顆 + L'Opera單品可可沙布列 8片
- 重量:餅乾約 460  g
- 餅乾口味:牛奶砂糖、芝麻、巧克力豆、巧克力燕麥、玉米片、橘子、阿拉比卡咖啡、檸檬球、香草愛心造型餅乾、蘭姆葡萄、單品可可沙布列、阿里山茶、蘋果

蛋糕禮盒 1,300 元
- 內容:共 20 片餅乾+檸檬球 4顆 +L‘Opera單品可可沙布列 8片+ 迷你磅蛋糕1條
- 重量:餅乾約 348 g / 蛋糕約 230 g
- 餅乾口味:牛奶砂糖、芝麻、巧克力豆、巧克力燕麥、玉米片、橘子、阿拉比卡咖啡、香草愛心造型餅乾、檸檬球、蘋果、蘭姆葡萄、單品可可沙布列、阿里山茶
- 蛋糕口味:大理石、香橙、小藍莓(任選一款)




1. 婚約禮盒滿30盒贈送客製喜卡乙式
2. 未達30盒可於下方加購區,以$980加購客製喜卡,或$0加購公版喜卡。


1. 單筆消費滿25,000元享95折;滿50,000元享9折;滿75,000元享85折。

2. 滿100,000元享8折,滿200,000元享75折,限官網與Showroom享此優惠。

3. 以上可於於結帳時直接折扣。

4. 10萬以上歡迎致電 0800-600-369洽詢。


1. 運費計算:採用順豐快遞方式出貨,系統將依照商品總重量與收件地址,自動計算運費併入付款總金額,海外訂單不享有免運優惠。

2. 配送範圍:香港 Hong Kong、澳門 Macau

3. 到貨時間:實際配送時間依各物流公司排程為主,可能會依各物流公司轉運及各地節慶假期產生時間差異(建議提前預估到貨時間)。

4. 費用計算:商品皆以新臺幣$TWD計價,實際支付金額則依刷卡銀行匯率為準。

5. 修改配送資訊:如需更改相關配送資訊,請於訂單出貨前7日與我們聯繫,我們會盡快協助作業,若配送資訊不完全導致包裹退回,運費等額外費用將由您的訂單金額內扣除,已出貨訂單將無法修改相關配送資訊,若因此導致包裹退回,運費等額外費用將由您的訂單金額內扣。

6. 跨境關稅支付
  • 海外商品進口商品皆需經過海關檢驗,並可能課徵稅金,如有產生稅金/其他費用,將由當地海關向收件人徵收。
  • 詩特莉無法預估或保證各國海關實際收取之關稅金額。
  • 關稅是由各國海直接徵收,具體的稅額建議諮詢當地海關瞭解。
  • 包裹無故未取,或因關稅等其他非我方因素未取貨,商品將於當地透過物流公司銷毀,將無法提供商品退款與其他補償辦法。
  • 針對以上條文,本公司保留相關細節說明與調整權利。
  • 餅乾類禮盒:未開封之下,常溫可保存45天。
  • 含蛋糕禮盒:未開封之下,常溫可保存14天。
  • 詩特莉的所有產品都不含防腐劑,所以保存期限較短,製造日期標示於盒底。
  • 手工餅乾:開封後請儘早食用完或放入密封罐,避免餅乾受潮變軟。常溫蛋糕:因為未加防腐劑,所以開封後請儘快食用完畢並放入冰箱冷藏。


1. 全店限時享「滿千送百」

2. 韓國藝術家專屬喜餅優惠
-折前滿 3 萬元贈送客製木盒印刷 (市價2,000)

活動時間 門市 電話
10/17-11/12 高雄漢神巨蛋  07-216-0024
10/17-11/12 信義三越A4  02-2723-6939
10/17-11/17 板橋大遠百  02-7738-6589
10/24-11/17 新光三越天母  02-28760178
11/2-11/17 高雄SOGO  07-335-2578
11/6-11/17 中壢SOGO  03-427-8379
11/7-12/1 台南三越西門店  06-303-0491
11/7-11/18 忠孝SOGO  02-2740-3072
11/7-11/18  復興SOGO  02-8772-1638
11/21-12/25 高雄漢神店  07-216-0024
11/27-12/8 天母SOGO  02-2834-3579
11/28-12/9 新竹巨城店  03-545-6726

1. Shopping discounts

  • Bulk Purchase Discounts:
NT$ 25,000-49,999
5% off
NT$ 50,000-74,999
10% off
NT$ 75,000-99,999
15% off
  • Other Discounts: Promotional discounts cannot be combined. Aunt Stella reserves the right to modify or terminate orders.

2. Product Shelf Life & Storage

  1. Cookie Gift Boxes: Unopened, shelf life is 45 days at room temperature.
  2. Cake Gift Boxes: Unopened, shelf life is 14 days at room temperature.
  • No preservatives; manufacturing date is on the box.
  • After opening:
    • Handmade Cookies: Consume promptly or store in an airtight container.
    • Room temperature cakes: Consume promptly and refrigerate after opening.

3. Defective Product Handling

  • According to the "Guidelines for Reasonable Exceptions to the Right of Revocation in Communication Transactions," Article 2, Paragraph 1 states that goods prone to spoilage, with a shorter shelf life, or nearing expiration upon contract termination fall under the reasonable exceptions as outlined in Article 19, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph of the Consumer Protection Act. Starting from January 1, 2016, fresh food products are exempt from Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act and do not come with a 7-day inspection period.
  • At Aunt Stella, we prioritize customer needs and service quality. If you discover any defects in the product upon receipt, please contact our customer service within the same day to arrange for an exchange. Take photos or scan the defective product and shipping documents, and send the images to our customer service center, clearly stating the need for a product exchange. Once confirmed by our customer service team, we will promptly dispatch a replacement product to you.

【Delivery and Pickup】

  • Orders under $3,000 incur a $170 delivery fee (for single-address delivery in Taiwan; extra charges apply for outlying islands). Orders over $3,000 enjoy free delivery to one address in Taiwan (one-time offer per order; outlying islands incur extra charges).

1. Outlying Islands

  • We deliver throughout Taiwan, except for Dongyin Island. Customers cover outlying island shipping costs. (Note: For outlying island deliveries, consider potential biscuit breakage.)

2. Delivery Timing

  • Cookies:
    • Regular: Delivery depends on chosen date.
    • Bulk: 7 working days' notice for 50+ boxes, 14 days for 100+, etc. Call 0800-600-369 ext. 288 for bulk order delivery.
  • Cakes:
    • Regular: Usually within 4 working days.
    • Bulk: 10 working days' notice for 50+ boxes, 20 days for 100+, etc. Call 0800-600-369 ext. 288 for bulk order delivery. Delivery times may vary for outlying areas due to weather. Check website for holiday schedules. Custom cards require 10+ working days. Order ahead. For Hong Kong/Macau delivery, follow the same guidelines. Order early for logistics concerns.